Hunter Tannersville Student Parent Teacher Organization
P.O. Box 317
Hunter, NY 12442
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a long and beautiful summer. It is now time to return to the “routine,” and prepare for another productive school year. The 2023 - 2024 Student Parent Teacher Organization (SPTO) has been hard at work planning projects, events, and fundraisers to enhance our school community.
We encourage you, the parents and families, to become more involved in the HTC volunteer community. In the past, HTC has enjoyed a great tradition of volunteer spirit. We hope that you will strongly consider volunteering your time and talents for the benefit of our children and school community. Please complete the Volunteer Request on the membership form and send it back to school today or bring it to the open house.
The SPTO will continue to sell the HTC SPTO Jr. Wildcat clothing, HTC masks, and ornaments this year! We still have many different sizes of long and short sleeve shirts, hooded sweatshirts and zip-ups available. We will be selling these items throughout the year at different events, i.e. the open house on September 14th.
The SPTO has sponsored many activities such as Teacher Mini Grants, Scholarship Programs, Trick or Trunk, dances at the Elementary school, Jellybean Day, 7th Grade Trips, PARP, Character Education, SAAD presentations, and Odyssey of the Mind. This is not possible without your energy and support.
Please continue to scan your Box-Tops for Education receipts. You can download the app on your smart device for free.
Thanks to all those who continue to participate in all of the activities. Your membership is critical to our success. Without your support, there is no SPTO!
Please send any questions, comments and/or suggestions to spto@htcschools.org.
Yours Truly, HTC- SPTO
The officers for SPTO for the 2023 - 2024 school year are:
Courtney Brady ~ President
Christine Farrell ~ Vice President
Amber Renner ~ School Liaison
Stephanie Streich ~ Secretary
Treasurer ~ Barbara Bates
(Minutes will be available after approval)
2024-2025 School Year
Amanda Jones, Stephanie Streich, Melanie Sussman, Courtney Brady (P) Barbara Bates (T) ~ Missing from photo is Christine Farrell (VP) & Amber Renner (School Liaison)