Attention District Residents: The district will have two (2) board seats open as follows this year:


  • 2- Year Term:  May 18, 2023- June 30, 2025; originally filled by John Aizstrauts and presently held by Courtney Brady
  • 5-Year Term:  July 1, 2023– June 30, 2028; presently held by Andrew Poladian


If you are thinking of running for the seat, please note the following:

  • Board Nominating Petitions are now available in the District Office (located in the Tannersville MS/HS building). Candidates must have a primary residence in the Hunter-Tannersville CSD, be at least 18 years old and be a registered voter.
  • Completed nominating petitions are due back to the District Clerk (Elizabeth Rizzo) in the District Office by Monday, April 17, 2023 by 5 p.m. (6094 Main St. Tannersville).
  • The Annual Budget Vote is on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 from 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. At that time the budget, any propositions and board seats will be voted upon.